4 people
Adults + children

1 living area
3 beds

Total size 17sq.m.
+ 4,65sq.m. covered terrace

Roulotte 4 people
Roulotte 4 personnes
Roulotte 4 people
Roulotte 4 people
Roulotte 4 people

Gipsycar descriptive

  • 1 sleeping area with 1 double bed
  • 1 sleeping area with 2 single bunk beds
  • Living area, kitchenette with crockery for 4 people
  • Foldable terrace with garden furniture
  • Without sanitaries (access to the sanitary bloc of the camp-site)
  • Dry toilets


On-line booking


Rates per night
Gipsycar Insolite Nature Tanargue 1 ch.
(rate for pers.)
Tourist tax
(per day and per adult)
Eco contribution
(per day and per adult)


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